1. Information of domestic investors (copies of business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate, articles of association, ID card of legal representative and other documents of investors).
2. Financial statements of domestic investors in recent one month;
3. The composition of Chinese investment and the amount of self owned funds;
4. A loan contract is required for the amount of loan funds invested by the Chinese party;
5. To make a loan to an individual, you need to provide a copy of the individual's ID card and the individual's Bank memo for nearly one month;
6. For loans to enterprises, it is necessary to provide ID cards with copies of business licenses and personal financial statements in recent one month and affix official seals;
7. 1 resolution of the shareholders' meeting or the board of directors of the domestic investor;
8. Basic reasons for overseas enterprise investment and project description (new projects include business content, scale, product / market, supporting infrastructure, investment payback period, etc. M & A investment needs to include the production and operation status, asset financial status and specific acquisition plan of the target company.)
9. Chinese and English name, establishment method, business scope, industry, registered capital (Chinese share proportion, foreign share proportion), registered address and other information of overseas enterprises.
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